Gloria Adiepena Karikari is a level 400 student of Gimpa Tema campus offering Business Administration.  She works with the Ghana Police Service. 

She believes the progress and development of our students affairs depends on the type of leaders we choose.

She also believes political tribalism only encourages development for a few to the neglect of many.  So she eschew tribalism, nepotism and  ethnicism  in the process of selecting leaders. 

 As the women’s commissioner her vision is to ensure effective increase participation of women in the administration of the women’s commission to prepare them to become responsible and participating citizens and leaders of the nation while developing their self _esteem as individuals and a stable commission. 

Gloria believes mostly women are considered inferior as compared to their male counterparts when it comes to leadership roles in the society and in institutions. So she aims to remove that impression and help females especially to take up leadership roles when the needs arises.

She believes leadership is a service to mankind , and as Jim Rohan once said “ A good objective of leadership is to help those who are doing poorly to do well and to help those who are doing well to do even better “.

 She said leadership is not about being the best, but leadership is about making everyone else better.

Her hobbies are reading, swimming , listening to music and reading.