GIMPA Technology Laboratory Handed Over

A state of the art ultra-modern technology laboratory has been handed over to the GIMPA School of Technology (SOT) by the MTN Foundation.
The building, which is a Public Private Partnership, between the MTN Foundation and GIMPA was handed over on Monday, March 22nd, 2021.
Set on the serene Greenhill Campus, the building provides a picturesque situation conducive for academic purposes.

In remarks, the Deputy Rector of GIMPA, Prof. Martin Morgan Tuuli, on behalf of the Rector of GIMPA, Prof. Philip Ebow Bondzi-Simpson, stressed the importance of the laboratory to the School saying ‘This will enhance teaching and learning at the SOT.’
He was optimistic that the laboratory will provide hands-on training for students of the School adding that ‘This will be the Centre of the School of Technology and will serve many generations to come.’

He further expressed appreciation to the MTN Foundation for putting up the building for the Institute and assured them of the preparedness of the Institute to maintain the building and its contents periodically.

He was again positive that the initiative would foster further collaborative engagement between the MTN Foundation and GIMPA and even other organizations.
Briefing the gathering, the Chairman of the MTN Foundation, Prof. Franklyn Achampon Manu explained how the project had been under the wing of the Foundation for a while as part of their Corporate Social Responsibility.
He urged management of GIMPA to put the building to good use and keep it in good condition.

He also lauded the Dean of SOT Dr Joseph Kwame Adjei for his relentless effort in making sure that the project saw the day of light when he took over from Prof. Gamel Wiredu, the previous Dean, who started negotiations with MTN on the project.
The structure comprises a technology laboratory, three offices, a server room, and washrooms.

Directorate of Corporate Affairs & Institutional Advancement