Pursuant to articles 9(b) and 10(a) of the SRC constitution, I am directed by the President and Speaker of the General Assembly to invite all members of the General Assembly, including ex-officio members, all class reps, and all students, to the General Assembly meeting.

Details are provided below.

Date:           Friday April 14th, 2023

Time:          1:00 p.m.

Venue:         Mamphey Hall

The meeting’s agenda will include the following items:

  1. Swearing-in and approval of the Electoral Commission team.
  2. Swearing-in and approval of the Audit Committee
  3. Approval of previous minutes
  4. Presentation of the Financial Report by the Treasurer
  5. Presentation and approval of budget.
  6. Approval of Onuapa Policy
  7. A. O. B.

Students, Class Reps, and members are required to dress strictly formally in accordance with Article 14 of the SRC Constitution.

Honorable members, kindly take notice and attend to the house accordingly.

Thank you
